Daytraders Of The Dead 746810 plays

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Daytraders of the Dead is a full on arcade action shooter! It's all about firepower, power-ups and intense action!
The most frantic, fast, frenetic fun top-down shooter (about) to be unleashed on the flash platform!
Our unique spin on the zombie genre places intense weaponry and arcade style powerups at the heart of the experience.
More onscreen enemies than ever seen in a Flash game - the new BitMat™ Engine allows for up to 1000 zombies on screen at once all at 50fps.
Full support for Flash 10 fullscreen mode with an incredible frame rate. You'd swear it was MAME!!
A sense of humor darker than a stock trader's soul and more tongue-in-cheek than erm... Cheeky McTongue?
Loads of Insane power-ups that obliterate the screen. Airstrikes! Nukes! School buses!? Radial saw blades!! Chrono-Bind!?!
Ten zombie-shredding weapons including the Super-minigun, Quarterising laser, Railgun & Rocket Launcher.
Highscore Survival and multi-difficulty Story Mode will keep players coming back for more!
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