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Description: It is a game about strange colored creatures. There is only one thing they can do - Spread. Cause of the unity of their kind creatures Spread alltogether. On player's command they produce children to the four adjancent cells and become outwardly passive. Your task is to help creatures occupy cells destined them by color. To achieve this goal you have some active objects placed on a map. You can use them to control the Spreadpaths. Buttons can close or open a way by switching their states. Stones can be moved through the map to enclose the path in a certain place. By moving bridges you can help creatures to Spread over water. Also you have bombs, which can be eÑ…ploded to clear neighboring cells from creatures. By completing levels you gain access to creatures' thoughts, which might give you a new understanding of what is really going on in this strange game.
Instructions: In order to achieve enlightenment by spreading, you must cover each target square with a creature of the matching color. Each active eyeball-like creature (indicated by leaves around it) will spread in all four directions (or whichever directions are available) when you click on it or press the [spacebar]. After spreading, an eyeball turns inactive and can't be used again. By spreading through multiple generations, you can create a path to the target.

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